Saturday, October 13, 2012

Our wonderful West St. Paul Co-op

Here's the view from the balcony on this rainy morning:

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Zebra Mussel Encounter

We took a last walk past the Washburn Marina and a new boat had been lifted in.  The bottom had many colonies of zebra mussels.

A lot of our trail walks are interrupted by a stop at the Washburn Library to quench Mary's thirst for the newspaper of the day.

The season's last night - mysterious sky to the West

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Campground is all OURS!

Everyone went home!

Sioux River flowing into the Friendly Valley Beach

The two fishing boats that were rehabbed at the Washburn Marina this past summer were launched this morning and motored off to their home...the Jolene and the Jackie II.  (See October 3rd on this blog for a better look at these fine boats.)

NOTE:  Just click on any picture to enlarge it - I know the boats are hard to see.

Monday, October 8, 2012

It's time now....

We have not had a freeze night yet, but this is always good advice when you are "way up north".

We took down the screen house today - a pretty sad note at the end of the season.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Crowd Pleasin'

A view of Applefest 2012

Looking down Rittenhouse Avenue

The Dems had a bus!

Red Cliff Ojibwe dancers

The Mister's alma mater - Minocqua, WI

Maggie's Car

The big finish - a mass band .  Everyone joins in.

Oh Deer!

Our Superior Avenue friend

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wake - Up!

The Thunder Bay Pipes and Drums provided an AppleFest favorite - the Wake-Up concert at Port Superior.  Their group is celebrating their 100th anniversary.

Look at the blooming things we found on our trail this morning!  Still a sweet pea!

The new Memorial Park entrance sign donated by family of former campground host, Dee.  There's a little frog in the lower right corner in memory of  Dee's love for frogs.

I burned a lot of my pinecone collection this afternoon.

Friday, October 5, 2012

44 degrees and high's AppleFest


The Blue Canvas Orchestra from Big Top Chatauqua

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Peak color blows away....

The waves at the Washburn marina -

Stephan can ID trees and shrubs as long as they are all SUMAC:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A walk around....

A new sign at the best campground in Washburn

All summer these two beauties have been rehabbed - part of the fishing fleet here in Bayfield County.
The boats look ready to move into the water.

This little caterpillar was crossing the Washburn Trail this morning - the width of the brown stripes on these wooly bears may or may not predict the severity of the coming winter.  No predictions here.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A climb to the top ...

Another year and we made it again!  To the top of Mount Ashwabay between Bayfield and Washburn and back down....good ol' knees and ankles are still holding up.

On to the Beach - it was a wild, wavy, wet walk along the shoreline.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Harvest Moon II

From our campsite at Memorial Park

Sweet October Visit With the Spooner Cousins

Bayview Beach

Mary and Irene drove up on this most beautiful Fall day.  We really enjoy their visits.  (And the great choc chip cookies, Irene! Thanks!!!!)