Friday, May 31, 2013

A Day At The LAKE

Our morning LAKE walk along the shore from the campground at Memorial Park to Thompson Park-West End campground winds through woods and along gravel road, the Washburn Marina, and hilly terrain consisting of low, swampy land and grassy knolls.  We spotted these wood anemones along the path.

How cold is it?  The Mister checks out the water temp at the West End boat launch.  He thought it was a temperature suitable for wading.  The muddy color is the result of run-off from all of the rain in the area.  The entire Chequamenon Bay is reddish brown from the iron-rich soil run-off this spring.  It will settle to the bottom and become the wonderful clear blue of SUPERIOR if the rains ever let up.

About 3:45 today a wind/rain/thunderstorm passed through the area.  There were black skies, falling branches and huge wavy waves on the LAKE. The top of a tall pine right on the shoreline snapped off at Site 41 right on the LAKE  (the best camping site ever).  Luckily no one was camping there today.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Familiar Hiking Destinations

Marsh Marigolds along the Onion River

Back at camp

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

Veterans For Peace - Memorial Day at the Minnesota Capitol

No More War
Those who have survived the battles know the futility and cost firsthand.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lake Walk - May 25, 2103

Some signs of Spring slowly appear.

Wild strawberries in blossom

Saturday, May 18, 2013

And then the rains came

The baby lupine plants capture the raindrops so beautifully.

First blooms - periwinkle along the shoulder of Superior Avenue

Friday, May 17, 2013

Bayfield In Bloom - well, it's a start

Folks in Bayfield plant daffodils everywhere, and then they bloom!  Whole yards just full of hundreds of daffodils.  Ah - remember that scene in Dr. Zhivago??

Down to the water ...

The Memorial Park "stairway to Heaven" - our beach on THE LAKE!

The Coast Guard buoy tender at the Washburn coal dock

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lumbering Business

Captain Mark of the Rob Roy launched from Washburn Marina, daylights as the owner of a tree service.  He spent a day at Memorial Park cleaning out some deadwood.  AND he shared larger limbs and branches with us as the start of our firewood pile.

The Captain has a fine logging business and in addition takes up to six passengers on his cruiser to many of the islands and lighthouses of the Apostle Islands.   "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny're sure to get a smile .from seven stranded passengers here on Gilligan's Island."

May 2013 - It's that glorious time of year!

2013 -
The first campfire of the season - after a couple of days of steady work, camp looks pretty much like last year.   It is so great to be back.