Sunday, September 30, 2012

Harvest Moon 2012

Sunday - Two Weeks Left in the Season

The ferns are dying and still beautiful.

Lakeshore Drive - south of Washburn.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Quintessential Autumn

On a walk to Houghton Point, outside Washburn, Wisconsin -

At the beach in late afternoon, a cloud was hanging low over the hill.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Memorial Park Sunrise...and the day just got better

A tangle of shrubs, vines and berries along the trail

With 66 degree weather, there was an insect hatch at the beach like none we've ever seen.  So many that we could see the fish jump out of the water for joy!  Aren't these grains of sand interesting?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tripping around the peninsula

Karen and Mary aboard the "Apple Express" at Hauser's Orchard.

Standing on the upper deck inside the barn, we viewed some of Mr. Hauser's cap collection stapled to the walls - hundreds of caps!.

More glorious color in the sky.

A Day in the Woods

Long Lake National Forest Picnic Area - hiking the perimeter

Arlo, Karen and Stephan on the trail with their "bear" sticks

Keeping warm!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The most wonderful day....on to Michigan

Saxon Harbor and Lake Superior County Park (still in WI)

Little Girl Point Beach - Michigan
The site of the legend of the mythical Ojibwa maiden who became lost in the "Great Forest" on her wedding day.  She was later seen here with her lover.  For centuries this cape was a rest area for lake travelers between the Apostle Islands and the Porcupine Mountains - Ontonagon region.

One of the campsites at Little Girl Point campground provides a natural table.  The size of this fallen giant was awesome.

Just a touch of color over in the Porcupine  mountains

Superior Falls - at the mouth of the Montreal River
Lake Superior Cliffs Battle Site
The location of a major naval battle between the Ojibwa and Foxes in the mid-1600s.  Before dawn a raiding party of 400 Foxes kidnapped four Ojibwa women from Madeline Island, were silently pursued in the fog by Ojibwa warriors, overtaken at the base of the cliffs and annihilated.

 Can you spot the "inukshuk"?

The stairs we did not use to go up from the base of the Superior Falls site on the Montreal River.

Monday, September 24, 2012

When the Canadian air sweeps in to clear the sky

We watched the front from the beach about 4:30 PM

Washburn Public Library is the BEST!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The color comes creeping along the hills

From the Washburn Trail between Memorial Park and Thompson's West End Municipal Campgrounds

And still the flowers of SUMMER will not give up - Daisy is on the roadside of Bayview Beach Road.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sunset at Memorial Park Campground 9/22/2012

Well,you get the picture...simply spectacular!

A Sunflower kind of day

We stopped in at Tetzner's Dairy Farm for serve yourself ice cream sandwiches - only $1.50 - and bought some sunflowers also.  Added to the last bouquet's dry weeds, they came alive.

The view - oh the view - from Tetzner's Dairy Farm.  No wonder those cows make such good milk, cheese  and ice cream!  Look at what they see every day.

Long Lake - Chequamenon National Forest Picnic Area
We walked the trail around the perimeter of the lake around noontime.  Below are some fall scenes at this beautiful little park.

And then to the beach about 5 PM -

Friday, September 21, 2012

Early Autumn at the LAKE

A much calmer LAKE view - see September 19th!

Fishermen in waders are a common sight this time of year.  Hope he caught one or two.  We were at Friendly Valley beach.

So ... oh yes, it's the beach, or fondly AKA "our beach"

The Town of Bayview built this wonderful little park to replace the old park I first discovered in 1969 while on the road with my co-workers, the staff from Red Crown Lodge in Woodruff, WI.  Incidentally that was the year I met Stephan in Woodruff.  And as they say, 'the rest is history'....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wild Day at the LAKE

                      At the Washburn Marina - off the side of the city coal dock

                                   Along the Washburn Trail - mid morning